Why Configure Eclipse for Apache Hadoop?
- From Eclipse to work on Hadoop files systems (HDFS).
- Create New Directory
- Upload files to HDFS
- Upload Directory to HDFS
- Download from HDFS
- Write & Execute MapReduce program, which runs on Hadoop cluster
Step to Integrate Eclipse to work on Hadoop Cluster
- Hope you have Installed Eclipse, else download & install
- Run your Hadoop server, If haven't, setup Hadoop
- Download hadoop-eclipse-plugin-1.2.1.jar and place the Jar into Eclipse/plugins (instead of downloading you can also build the plugin jar file yourself using "ant")
- Start the eclipse
- $ECLIPSE_HOME/eclipse
- In Eclipse menu click, Window --> Open Perspective --> Others --> MapReduce
- In bottom MapReduce icon click to Add new Hadoop location
- Enter MapReduce & HDFS running port
- for recall, MapReduce port (9001) specified in $HADOOP_HOME/conf/mapred-site.xml
- for recall, HDFS port (9000) specified in $HADOOP_HOME/conf/core-site.xml
- Enter the Hadoop user name
- Once Hadoop location added, DFS Locations will be seen/displayed in Eclipse Project Explorer window, (Windows-->Show View-->Project Explorer)
- Once Hadoop added, DFS Locations will be seen/displayed in Project Explorer window,
- Right click DFS location and click to Connect
- Once connected successfully, it will display all the DFS Folder.
- You can create Directory, Upload files to HDFS location, Download files to local by right click any of the listed Directory.
Possible Error you may get
Error: Call to loaclhost/ failed on connection exception:java.net:ConnectionException
Make sure you have all the Hadoop daemons up&running.