Monday, July 8, 2013

solved error - zabbix cinfigured with PostgreSQL

decided & installing zabbix tool for monitoring rdbms / no-sql database.

I got few error while installing zabbix with  PostgreSQL database. here i'm listing few with solution.

I created database manually in psq.



pg_free_result() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given [include/]

I checked database "zabbix" which i was created by manually, no relation were found.
run the following command to create relation schema 

postgres@boss:[~]$ psql -hlocalhost zabbix
psql (9.0.6, server 9.0.0)
Type "help" for help.

zabbix=# \i /usr/share/zabbix-server-pgsql/schema.sql
zabbix=# \i /usr/share/zabbix-server-pgsql/images.sql
zabbix=# \i /usr/share/zabbix-server-pgsql/data.sql


zabbix server is not running the information displayed may not be current


step 1) go through the log 
root@boss[~]#vi /var/log/zabbix/zabbix_server.log psql

19447:20130704:162637.902 Database is down. Reconnecting in 10 seconds.
 19447:20130704:162647.903 [Z3001] connection to database 'zabbix' failed: [0] FATAL:  role "zabbix" does not exist 

step 2) log clearly tells that no role in name of zabbix  exist in database

postgres@boss:[~]$ psql -hlocalhost zabbix
psql (9.0.6, server 9.0.0)
Type "help" for help.

zabbix=#CREATE ROLE zabbix WITH LOGIN; 

 19447:20130704:163227.949 Database is down. Reconnecting in 10 seconds.
 19447:20130704:163237.950 [Z3001] connection to database 'zabbix' failed: [0] FATAL:  role "zabbix" is not permitted to log in

may get above error if you don't have log-in rights,

zabbix=#ALTER ROLE zabbix LOGIN; 

You are not able to choose some of the languages, because locales for them are not installed on the web server.

  its waring message only, to  diaplsy installed locales

root@boss:[~]$locale -a 
to select & install missing locales by
root@boss:[~]$dpkg-reconfigure locales

25046:20130705:142910.383 [Z3005] query failed: [0] PGRES_FATAL_ERROR:ERROR:  permission denied for relation config
 [select alert_history,event_history,refresh_unsupported,discovery_groupid,snmptrap_logging,severity_name_0,severity_name_1,severity_name_2,severity_name_3,severity_name_4,severity_name_5 from config where 1=1 and configid between 0 and 99999999999999]
 25046:20130705:142910.383 [Z3005] query failed: [0] PGRES_FATAL_ERROR:ERROR:  permission denied for relation items
 [select i.itemid,i.hostid,h.proxy_hostid,i.type,i.data_type,i.value_type,i.key_,i.snmp_community,i.snmp_oid,i.port,i.snmpv3_securityname,i.snmpv3_securitylevel,i.snmpv3_authpassphrase,i.snmpv3_privpassphrase,i.ipmi_sensor,i.delay,i.delay_flex,i.trapper_hosts,i.logtimefmt,i.params,i.status,i.authtype,i.username,i.password,i.publickey,i.privatekey,i.flags,i.interfaceid,i.lastclock from items i,hosts h where i.hostid=h.hostid and h.status in (0) and i.status in (0,3) and i.itemid between 0 and 99999999999999]
 25046:20130705:142910.384 [Z3005] query failed: [0] PGRES_FATAL_ERROR:ERROR:  permission denied for relation hosts
 [select distinct t.triggerid,t.description,t.expression,t.error,t.priority,t.type,t.value,t.value_flags from hosts h,items i,functions f,triggers t where h.hostid=i.hostid and i.itemid=f.itemid and f.triggerid=t.triggerid and h.status in (0) and i.status in (0,3) and t.status in (0) and t.flags not in (2) and h.hostid between 0 and 99999999999999]
 25046:20130705:142910.385 [Z3005] query failed: [0] PGRES_FATAL_ERROR:ERROR:  permission denied for relation trigger_depends
 [select d.triggerid_down,d.triggerid_up from trigger_depends d where 1=1 and d.triggerid_down between 0 and 99999999999999 order by d.triggerid_down]
 25046:20130705:142910.388 [Z3005] query failed: [0] PGRES_FATAL_ERROR:ERROR:  permission denied for relation hosts

 25063:20130705:143048.010 [Z3005] query failed: [0] PGRES_FATAL_ERROR:ERROR:  permission denied for relation httptest
 [select min(t.nextcheck) from httptest t,applications a,hosts h where t.applicationid=a.applicationid and a.hostid=h.hostid and mod(t.httptestid,1)=0 and t.status=0 and h.proxy_hostid is null and h.status=0 and (h.maintenance_status=0 or h.maintenance_type=0) and t.httptestid between 0 and 99999999999999]
 25069:20130705:143049.903 [Z3005] query failed: [0] PGRES_FATAL_ERROR:ERROR:  permission denied for relation escalations
 [select escalationid,actionid,triggerid,eventid,r_eventid,esc_step,status,nextcheck from escalations where 1=1 and escalationid between 0 and 99999999999999 order by actionid,triggerid,escalationid]
 25069:20130705:143052.904 [Z3005] query failed: [0] PGRES_FATAL_ERROR:ERROR:  permission denied for relation escalations
 [select escalationid,actionid,triggerid,eventid,r_eventid,esc_step,status,nextcheck from escalations where 1=1 and escalationid between 0 and 99999999999999 order by actionid,triggerid,escalationid]
 25063:20130705:143053.011 [Z3005] query failed: [0] PGRES_FATAL_ERROR:ERROR:  permission denied for relation httptest
 [select t.httptestid,,t.macros,t.agent,t.authentication,t.http_user,t.http_password from httptest t,applications a,hosts h where t.applicationid=a.applicationid and a.hostid=h.hostid and t.nextcheck<=1373014853 and mod(t.httptestid,1)=0 and t.status=0 and h.proxy_hostid is null and h.status=0 and (h.maintenance_status=0 or h.maintenance_type=0) and t.httptestid between 0 and 99999999999999]
 25063:20130705:143053.012 [Z3005] query failed: [0] PGRES_FATAL_ERROR:ERROR:  permission denied for relation httptest
 [select min(t.nextcheck) from httptest t,applications a,hosts h where t.applicationid=a.applicationid and a.hostid=h.hostid and mod(t.httptestid,1)=0 and t.status=0 and h.proxy_hostid is null and h.status=0 and (h.maintenance_status=0 or h.maintenance_type=0) and t.httptestid between 0 and 99999999999999]
 25069:20130705:143055.904 [Z3005] query failed: [0] PGRES_FATAL_ERROR:ERROR:  permission denied for relation escalations
 [select escalationid,actionid,triggerid,eventid,r_eventid,esc_step,status,nextcheck from escalations where 1=1 and escalationid between 0 and 99999999999999 order by actionid,triggerid,escalationid]
 25063:20130705:143058.013 [Z3005] query failed: [0] PGRES_FATAL_ERROR:ERROR:  permission denied for relation httptest

[0] PGRES_FATAL_ERROR:ERROR:  permission denied for relation escalations
 [select escalationid,actionid,triggerid,eventid,r_eventid,esc_step,status,nextcheck from escalations where 1=1 and escalationid between 0 and 99999999999999 order by actionid,triggerid,escalationid]
 25064:20130705:143105.801 [Z3005] query failed: [0] PGRES_FATAL_ERROR:ERROR:  permission denied for relation drules
 [select distinct r.druleid,r.iprange,,c.dcheckid from drules r left join dchecks c on c.druleid=r.druleid and uniq=1 where r.proxy_hostid is null and r.status=0 and (r.nextcheck<=1373014865 or r.nextcheck>1373014865+r.delay) and mod(r.druleid,1)=0 and r.druleid between 0 and 99999999999999]
 25064:20130705:143105.801 [Z3005] query failed: [0] PGRES_FATAL_ERROR:ERROR:  permission denied for relation drules
 [select count(*),min(nextcheck) from drules where proxy_hostid is null and status=0 and mod(druleid,1)=0 and druleid between 0 and 99999999999999]
 25060:20130705:143105.927 [Z3005] query failed: [0] PGRES_FATAL_ERROR:ERROR:  permission denied for relation alerts
 [select a.alertid,a.mediatypeid,a.sendto,a.subject,a.message,a.status,mt.mediatypeid,mt.type,mt.description,mt.smtp_server,mt.smtp_helo,mt.smtp_email,mt.exec_path,mt.gsm_modem,mt.username,mt.passwd,a.retries from alerts a,media_type mt where a.mediatypeid=mt.mediatypeid and a.status=0 and a.alerttype=0 and mt.mediatypeid between 0 and 99999999999999 order by a.alertid]
 25069:20130705:143107.907 [Z3005] query failed: [0] PGRES_FATAL_ERROR:ERROR:  permission denied for relation escalations
 [select escalationid,actionid,triggerid,eventid,r_eventid,esc_step,status,nextcheck from escalations where 1=1 and escalationid between 0 and 99999999999999 order by actionid,triggerid,escalationid]
 25063:20130705:143108.016 [Z3005] query failed: [0] PGRES_FATAL_ERROR:ERROR:  permission denied for relation httptest
 [select t.httptestid,,t.macros,t.agent,t.authentication,t.http_user,t.http_password from httptest t,applications a,hosts h where t.applicationid=a.applicationid and a.hostid=h.hostid and t.nextcheck<=1373014868 and mod(t.httptestid,1)=0 and t.status=0 and h.proxy_hostid is null and h.status=0 and (h.maintenance_status=0 or h.maintenance_type=0) and t.httptestid between 0 and 99999999999999]
 25063:20130705:143108.017 [Z3005] query failed: [0] PGRES_FATAL_ERROR:ERROR:  permission denied for relation httptest

to check the owner of the relation under database zabbix, it must be zabbix. in my case it is public then I alter into zabbix

step 1) check the owner of the table in PostgreSQL by

postgres@boss:[~]$ psql -hlocalhost zabbix
psql (9.0.6, server 9.0.0)
Type "help" for help.

 List of relations
 Schema |         Name          | Type  | Owner  
 public | acknowledges          | table | public
 public | actions               | table | public
 public | alerts                | table | public
 public | applications          | table | public
 public | auditlog              | table | public
 public | auditlog_details      | table | public
 public | autoreg_host          | table | public 
here Owner of the relation is public, alter into zabbix by

its tedious to alter one by one through single alter statement by

postgres@boss:[~]$ psql -hlocalhost zabbix
psql (9.0.6, server 9.0.0)
Type "help" for help. 
 alter table  owner to zabbix;
instead of,  alter owner of the all relation in zabbix database in PostgreSQL by

postgres@boss:[~]$ for tbl in `psql -qAt -h localhost -c "select tablename from pg_tables where schemaname = 'public';" zabbix` ;
 do  psql -hlocalhost -c "alter table $tbl owner to zabbix" zabbix ; done

item [Zabbix server:zabbix[process,ipmi poller,avg,busy]] became not supported: No "ipmi poller" processes started
 25066:20130705:145544.791 item [Zabbix server:zabbix[process,java poller,avg,busy]]  became not supported: No "java poller" processes started
 25066:20130705:145544.791 item [Zabbix server:zabbix[process,node watcher,avg,busy]] became not supported: No "node watcher" processes started
 25066:20130705:145549.798 item [Zabbix server:zabbix[process,snmp trapper,avg,busy]] became not supported: No "snmp trapper" processes started abbix-server-pgsql/data.sql

open zabbix_server.conf file and add below 2 line

root@boss:[~]$ vi /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf

PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in /etc/zabbix/mysql.php on line 62ERROR


 open and add
root@boss:[~]$ vi /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
root@boss:[~]$ vi /etc/php5/cli/php.ini


naresh said...

This is really informative and helpful, I was configuring the same.

Unknown said...

Please help me to fix the below error

121810:20210614:100302.475 enabling Zabbix agent checks on host "Zabbix server": interface became available
121801:20210614:100353.012 item "Zabbix server:zabbix[process,ipmi poller,avg,busy]" became not supported: No "ipmi poller" processes started.
121801:20210614:100353.012 item "Zabbix server:zabbix[process,java poller,avg,busy]" became not supported: No "java poller" processes started.
121795:20210614:100359.163 Got signal [signal:15(SIGTERM),sender_pid:123063,sender_uid:0,reason:0]. Exiting ...
121801:20210614:100359.163 syncing history data in progress...
121801:20210614:100359.166 syncing history data done
121795:20210614:100401.190 syncing trend data...
121795:20210614:100401.214 syncing trend data done
121795:20210614:100401.214 Zabbix Server stopped. Zabbix 5.4.1 (revision ecb5b3378c).